Sunday, June 30, 2013

We are Jewels!

I am very blessed to have a mother in law that is a minister. When I think back to when I was first married I feel soo bad for her because of the way I was. haha I was not a horrible person but being newly married my husband and I didn't always get along. I got married when I was 18 to my High School Sweetheart and to be real honest it was because we were expecting our first baby. We really did want to get married, I mean who doesn't when your young and in love? Our parents 100% wanted us to get married and within a week of them finding out about the baby we were married! I use to think that being married would be soo amazing I NEVER imagined how hard it would be! We were soo young and I do think that was a part of how hard it was, we surely need to be more mature. I use to always see my mother in law get ready for church on Sundays but we never went. (Pretty pathetic, I know! I mean she was the pastor, geez!) I just had no interest and she Never was pushy about it!!! I am soo grateful for that! I knew that I needed help! I knew that I was not happy and I wanted to be happy! I didn't like the way I felt and I had this beautiful baby and I wanted to be the best person I could for him. So one day I told my husband lets go to church and it changed my life! Now I am not trying to be all religious and stuff! I promise! lol I am not going to say I changed over night and I was magically perfect, because I am not perfect and I am STILL working on myself today! The reason I feel it changed my life was because someone was able to tell me "you don't have to feel this way!" I was sold! I was a broken person and I needed healing! I remember she told me that the reason why marriage was soo hard sometimes was because two broken people come together and with that all their pain, insecurities, addictions so much comes onto the marriage. She really has helped us and I know that without the truth she had given us we would be miserable! Everyday we are challenged! Some days are harder than others but we are still fighting to get free form the things that interfere with allowing us to live the way that we are suppose to, happy!

I love my husband and I want a happy healthy marriage for our children and so we can work together as a team. He is my best friend and I love him dearly. I have learned though that he cant heal me! He cant fix my brokenness and he will NEVER be able to fully love me the way I need him to. He loves me and I love him but we both need to be healed individually and love ourselves first in order to love each other! He and I are only human and we cant expect one another to be our saviors. That would not be fair.

So Friday she hosted a woman's meeting and talked about how each one of us are a JEWEL! Beautiful and Precious!!! Obviously I already have heard this message before but I could heard it a million more times! What was amazing to me though that there were woman there that had never heard that message before! Nobody ever told them they were beautiful, special, they meant something. Some only head negative things there whole life. So it a message I think every woman should hear! YOU ARE A JEWEL!!! It does not matter what you have done, where you have come from, we are all JEWELS. We all have our own special gifts and its not to cater to our husbands like they are some god! So just know that if your hurting there is a way for healing! If you know someone is hurting let them know there is a way out! You don't even have to say anything just let them know you love them and they are special. You wont believe how many people think nobody cares! Sometimes with certain people I don't feel like I am the best person to help them but I will let them know that there is help and when there ready they let me know! Then I take them to my mother in law. :)

I hope this encouraging to someone! Always Remember YOU ARE A JEWEL!!!!!

Hope Everyone has a BLESSED day!!!