Saturday, June 8, 2013

Whats in Your food?

Ever since I became a mom your instincts of wanting to give your children the best has always been with me. I use to puree my own baby food with my son and I felt really good about that. Over the years I have learned so much and just in the past few months I have made some drastic but healthy changes. For myself I no longer eat meat. I thought about it so many times before but it seemed like an idea that was so unrealistic! I mean I use to eat meat several times a day! One day I just said no more and that was that. I have been amazed how easy it was! My family does not pay for cable, like many other frugal families we stream Netflix from our Playstation and we LOVE it! I watched a documentary on how the cows are raised on the farms where our meat typically comes from and WOW! It really made my decision easy! We also don't drink cows milk! We drink almond milk and its delish! Now I do have an 11 month old who is currently still nursing and I have done some research knowing that at one year of age the doctors recommend giving your child cows milk. This is not necessary! I read an article that talked about how every animal that nurses its young, their milk is made for their baby! A baby cow grows really big really fast in its first year of life. His mothers milk supports his growth needs. Our baby, yes they do grow so much but nowhere near as big and fast as a cow! So why are we expected to give our baby cows milk? The Fats. Your doctor will probably tell you that your baby needs the fats that are in the cows milk. With some research I have found that there are plenty of other sources of good fats that your body can really benefit from! My favorite the avocado! Its sooo delish and sooo good for you! I should add too that although I have cut meat from my diet that is a choice my hubby has not made. :( He is open to so much but he has a love for meat and he is not ready to make that choice and that's ok! I know that its not for everyone! I am very proud of him because he has made so many other healthy changes. Another thing we do as a family is juice. I will probably write more on that in another post though! We also are part of a CSA ( community supported agriculture) we pay monthly and receive a box of fresh fruit and vegies every week. Its also all organic! So if your someone like me that has been wanting to make changes to your nutrition but maybe were a little nervous or hesitant I am here to say don't be! I know I was a little hesitant because of my husband! I cook the meals for all of us and I needed his support. He was way more open about it than I ever though he would be! We have also never felt better and it feels good to know that your teaching your children the importance of good healthy foods! Below is a picture of some kale chips I made for me and the hubby last week. I saw a little bitty bag yesterday at the grocery store for $6!

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