Saturday, August 3, 2013

A "Crunchy Mom"

Ok so I am really late when it comes to tends and things like that. I don't follow trends so I tend to be out of the loop on a lot of stuff. lol Just recently I heard the term "crunchy mom" well I mean I have read it before but didn't know what it was. I thought I knew what it was....I thought it was a mom who cloth diapered because diapers were crunchy?!?! You know I am a little weird seriously I didn't know what they meant by "crunchy" haha

So last night when I was in bed I was like I am going to go to my friend Google and ask what a "crunchy mom" was and I found out!

So a "Crunchy Mom" is a mom who Homeschools, Co Sleeps, Baby Wears, Buys Organic, the list goes on and on

I was laughing because I didn't know they had a label for me! haha JK!!! I don't do labels!!!!

But I do:

Believe in baby led weaning
Buy Organic whenever possible
My baby sleeps in my bed and has her crib in my room (she goes back and forth all night)
I wore my baby like it was something hot off the runways
I don't like pumping my kids full of meds I will always try natural first

I do all of these things out of my own motherly instincts. I don't like labels at all and will not be calling myself a "crunchy mom" but absolutely no judgment to those that do or to the moms that don't do the things that I do!!! I think that every mom does what they feel is best for their child and its ok to share ideas but everyone will do things their own way and that is  ok!!!

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