Sunday, September 22, 2013

Feeling Better

So our household has been sick these last few days. Its been awful! Sister got sick Tuesday, poor baby got hit by a 24 hour flu. One moment she was fine and the next minute she was throwing up every 30 min. Thankfully Wednesday came and she was pretty much all better. We took the day easy and went to bed with smiles on our faces from a nice smooth day. Around three in the morning I started to feel very sick to my stomach, 30 min later I hear a little voice "mommy I don't feel good". I will spare you the  details of the events that followed, they were not pleasant. Sadly we missed Matthews field trip and it was a rough few days. Now thankfully we are feeling all better and looking forward to the weeks ahead!

Last night we got out of the house for a nice Saturday with that family. We watched World War Z (GREAT MOVIE) and made s'mores. We also had some really good laughs!!!  It was a great Saturday!

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