Tuesday, September 3, 2013

AAAHHHHHHH We Got Such Exciting News!!!!!!

Ok so Rick Pino has a new Cd our called Leaning On My Beloved! It is AMAZING!!! Rick Pino is a worship singer and his music is BEAUTIFUL! Check it out if you love beautiful worship music!!! On one of his songs he says "Has He Been Good To You" and I LOVE that part because I always just feel YES!!! No matter what I have been through all the hardships he had always been there! Our GOD is truly such a GOOD GOD and this world is not always nice but he is! He has always been there for me! ALWAYS!!!

These past few years have been soo CRAZY! We have been through so much smiles, laughs, cries, deaths, and births. Most importantly GROWTH! I am sooo BLESSED to have the support that I do. I have two sets of parents (My Parents and Chubbs Parents) but I also have such AMAZING Spiritual support! If it was not for my Spiritual Mothers I don't know where I would be! They have taught me soo much! How to overcome, the love of the father, deliverance, the list goes on and on. Huge thanks to my Momma (chubbs mom) and our aunt Kristi. Also to their spiritual mother Snow! ( our daughter is named after her) So thankful for their obedience!!!!!

A month ago last year my husband was working a very very hard job for very little pay. He was just thankful to be working though because he had been hit by a lay-off and it took a long time to find work. When we found out I was pregnant with my daughter it was a very scary time. We were soo happy and yet soo nervous because Chubb was not working. We were so thankful he was eligible for unemployment benefits but its not a whole lot. He found a job a few months before the baby was born and he literally was at work hours before she was born and went back to work a day after. What seems like such a tough time was, in the natural , but we  grew so much spiritually at that time and we literally got through that time with a smile on our face!

Last year on Aug.27 Chubb started a new job! A job with a company he tried to get into for such a long time! From one day to another he left his very hard job for a better job with benefits! AANNDDD NOW........A little bit over a year later he got ANOTHER JOB!!!! Same Company but this is his dream position!!! He gets to attend school and he is sooo excited!!! I am SOOOO PROUD of my hubby!!!! He has worked soooo dang hard and did whatever he had to to get money for us! I remember he use to wash cars and work on peoples cars just to make some extra cash!!! GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!!!

So yesterday was the day that Chubb got the official news and in the evening we went for a walk and it was just such a nice way to end our day!

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