Sunday, September 22, 2013

Feeling Better

So our household has been sick these last few days. Its been awful! Sister got sick Tuesday, poor baby got hit by a 24 hour flu. One moment she was fine and the next minute she was throwing up every 30 min. Thankfully Wednesday came and she was pretty much all better. We took the day easy and went to bed with smiles on our faces from a nice smooth day. Around three in the morning I started to feel very sick to my stomach, 30 min later I hear a little voice "mommy I don't feel good". I will spare you the  details of the events that followed, they were not pleasant. Sadly we missed Matthews field trip and it was a rough few days. Now thankfully we are feeling all better and looking forward to the weeks ahead!

Last night we got out of the house for a nice Saturday with that family. We watched World War Z (GREAT MOVIE) and made s'mores. We also had some really good laughs!!!  It was a great Saturday!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Birthday Party Fun

So this weekend was my nephew's Birthdays. They are actually brothers and their birthdays are soo close they had their parties together. They are soo darn cute! My oldest nephew turned 8 and when I met my husband he had just turned 1. I cant believe how much and fast he has grown!!!  My baby nephew just turned 1 and him and my daughter are only two months apart. I LOVE that chunky monkey!!!

                                                                      Baby Myles

                                                                     Birthday Boys


                                                    These Cuties Were Eating Ice

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Confessions of a Homeschooling Mom

So Tuesday was a HARD day. I really was questioning if homeschooling was the wrong choice. Maybe he would benefit from going to regular school?!?! I took a deep breath and tried to remember everything I read. I read Danielle's Blog At Blissful and Domestic (GREAT BLOG) and I remember reading a post and she wrote about how difficult her first year was. I know that with the program I use (K12) I have a lot of support. However when I am home it's all me. My son gets very very distracted. He looses focus soo fast. He has been struggling with phonics. I found myself getting soo frustrated. Then I remembered, I am not the only one. I love reading and hearing about other moms experiences. The reason I started this blog was to share mine. In that moment of frustration remembering that other moms have felt the same way and got through it, felt so encouraging. I realized that the fact that Matthew does get so distracted, is probably the biggest benefit of Homeschool. I started to think that he could very well struggle in a classroom setting with all the other kids. At home I am able to work at a time that is best for him and also see the areas he needs extra help. I had him work on Noodleverse, an online phonics program, for some extra help. It was great and I think I am going to have him work on that daily. Yesterday was a much better day! I switched our day up and started the day with music class. He had so much Fun and I did too! It was nice to switch it up and I noticed it made a big difference in Matthew's attitude for school. I know that this journey will not always be easy. I know there might be plenty of those days of questioning myself. I do have to say that the majority of the days though, feel great! I love when we get through a School day and Matthew tells everyone he sees what he has learned. Although it's not always easy I also LOVE being his teacher!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Picnic at the Park

Yesterday was such a FUN day! We didn't go anywhere special yet it was just soo much fun being together. I am still trying to get use to the fact that our schedule is going to be SOOO DIFFERENT. I am use to the rotating shifts and now that I realize that we don't have to do them anymore I see how crazy our lives have been the past year. Every week the hubby's shift would change and he only got one day off between 7 day shifts. Then at the end of the month he would get four days off and then it would start all over.  We would try to plan as much as we possibly could in those four days because that's the only time we had time to do anything. This past weekend was a blast because I didn't feel the pressure to get everything done at once. It was a relief to think that we don't have four days off only two, but next weekend we have another two!!!

I am really happy that our little family adapts to change well. As long as we stick together we can get through anything. We always try to make the best out of every situation. We are not perfect at all, we are human. We do try to keep the communication going at all times and that helps so much. We are always there to remind each other how good and important the little things are.

A picnic at the park......Little......But the smiles it brought.......SOO IMPORTANT!!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Giving Quinoa a Try

So I purchased some Organic Quinoa from Vitacost and I could not wait to make it. Quinoa are seeds that you cook and its kind of like rice but faster to cook and is healthier. We really like it and its just as versatile as rice. You can add pretty much whatever you want to it for flavor. This was the kids and I's lunch yesterday.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

AAAHHHHHHH We Got Such Exciting News!!!!!!

Ok so Rick Pino has a new Cd our called Leaning On My Beloved! It is AMAZING!!! Rick Pino is a worship singer and his music is BEAUTIFUL! Check it out if you love beautiful worship music!!! On one of his songs he says "Has He Been Good To You" and I LOVE that part because I always just feel YES!!! No matter what I have been through all the hardships he had always been there! Our GOD is truly such a GOOD GOD and this world is not always nice but he is! He has always been there for me! ALWAYS!!!

These past few years have been soo CRAZY! We have been through so much smiles, laughs, cries, deaths, and births. Most importantly GROWTH! I am sooo BLESSED to have the support that I do. I have two sets of parents (My Parents and Chubbs Parents) but I also have such AMAZING Spiritual support! If it was not for my Spiritual Mothers I don't know where I would be! They have taught me soo much! How to overcome, the love of the father, deliverance, the list goes on and on. Huge thanks to my Momma (chubbs mom) and our aunt Kristi. Also to their spiritual mother Snow! ( our daughter is named after her) So thankful for their obedience!!!!!

A month ago last year my husband was working a very very hard job for very little pay. He was just thankful to be working though because he had been hit by a lay-off and it took a long time to find work. When we found out I was pregnant with my daughter it was a very scary time. We were soo happy and yet soo nervous because Chubb was not working. We were so thankful he was eligible for unemployment benefits but its not a whole lot. He found a job a few months before the baby was born and he literally was at work hours before she was born and went back to work a day after. What seems like such a tough time was, in the natural , but we  grew so much spiritually at that time and we literally got through that time with a smile on our face!

Last year on Aug.27 Chubb started a new job! A job with a company he tried to get into for such a long time! From one day to another he left his very hard job for a better job with benefits! AANNDDD NOW........A little bit over a year later he got ANOTHER JOB!!!! Same Company but this is his dream position!!! He gets to attend school and he is sooo excited!!! I am SOOOO PROUD of my hubby!!!! He has worked soooo dang hard and did whatever he had to to get money for us! I remember he use to wash cars and work on peoples cars just to make some extra cash!!! GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!!!

So yesterday was the day that Chubb got the official news and in the evening we went for a walk and it was just such a nice way to end our day!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Baby Sister

My baby sister just turned 17 years old last week! I remember when she was 3 like it was yesterday! I am soo proud of her. She is soo beautiful and when I look at her I see her bright future. She is soo smart! She is a senior in High School and I cant believe we are talking about colleges and career paths! I LOVE this girl so much!!!

Here are some pics I took yesterday.......

I LOVE these Girls!!!