Friday, June 27, 2014

Visions Fulfillment!

The past two years of my life have been huge millstones for me! I have never felt so at peace with who I am as a person and where I am going. I am a child of God and life is NEVER boring! The last two years have brought tremendous growth to every aspect of my life, marriage, personal, and spiritual. 

My husband Mario is my best friend! I feel like as our spiritual lives grow we grow closer together!!! I am soo proud of the person he is! He has a heart of Gold! 

When I first had the idea of Bountiful and Frugal Chubb was my biggest fan! (We call my husband Chubby) I am truly beyond blessed to have my Family. They support my dreams! I wanted to share my mommy life. My daughter was just turning one and I had went through a brand new experience with her. With my daughter I was able to be home during my pregnancy and learned a lot. I used cloth diapers, started baby wearing, I learned a lot about the natural life. I wanted to share what I was learning and my life as a stay at home mom. I also feel like it was a creative outlet for me which was great because my heart is happy when I am creating.  
I love my blog and YouTube channel! I love capturing the memories that we make! I still go back to my first posts and just smile! I love that I have this to look back on! 
I feel now though that I have grown and am still growing! I feel the most exciting thing is my husband and I are growing together and closer. We have the same ultimate goal...To see Gods Vision Fulfilled. We also are each others supporters. We come together and gain support and come up with a game plan :) Our families are a huge part of this too! They are our biggest fans always rooting for us!

So I have decided to change everything that is Bountiful and Frugal to Visions Fulfillment. I am still Bountiful and Frugal I have just grown to Visions Fulfillment! Growth if GREAT! 
So we are excited to share with you our Visions! Life around here is never boring and I wouldn't want it any other way! Exciting new things are on their way!!! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Freedom From The Fear Of A Fever

The other night at bedtime I was getting Sissy into bed and realized that she was very warm. Not just a little warm her little body had heat coming off of it! My first thought would have been to panic and run to the medicine cabinet and grab the fever reducer. Isn't everyone taught that?!?! I have grown  a lot the last few years. I have learned a lot and something that I have begin to love is the "Natural" lifestyle. I enjoy simplifying my life and ridding my life of unnecessary chemicals and toxins. Now I am not perfect! I still use my non natural make up! ( has been the hardest transition) I do however do what I feel lead to do,what is best for myself and my family. Every Family is different and I do not condemn others choices.  Instead of running to medication I first prayed for my daughter. I kept a close eye on her all night and was there to comfort her. In the morning I made sure she was still drinking fluids. From the research I did I found that a fever is nothing to be alarmed of! It is the body fighting off the illness, It made me smile when the next day Sissy was FINE! Now I am NOT a Doctor and this is NOT medical advise. I knew the signs of a DANGEROUS fever. Sissy had none of those symptoms. My happiness comes from not going into fear and filling my daughter with man made medication that she didn't need!!! I was never taught to do your own research. I was brought up to just listen to what your Doctor says and you don't need to ask questions. I have read soo many Natural Remedies for reducing a fever and luckily I did not have to use them this time. In the future I will though! Today this Mama is just happy to see this little girl smiling and healthy! :)